Moving In

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Not pretty yet, is it? I can’t get over the mental image of a hoarder’s house when I see the state of our new place these days. In our defense, we are making good progress. We’ve been unpacking diligently all week long, and are well on our way to getting this place to a more comfortable state. It has been quite a process, to say nothing of a logistical challenge, to go from a house with a basement and a garage to a townhouse with neither of those things. Our house was just under 1,300 square feet of finished space, not counting the front porch, the unfinished storage area of the basement, and the garage. This sweet townhouse is about 1,100, not counting the small front patio. So we’re certainly lacking the storage we’re used to, but it is forcing us to not only get creative with how we store things, but to really be intentional about what we own. 

To be honest, these 1,100 square feet feel like they should be plenty of space for the three of us. What you can see in the picture above is part of the living room, into the dining room and kitchen. To the right is the downstairs bedroom/bathroom. Upstairs is an office area, a laundry room, and Little Bean’s bedroom/bathroom. Give me a few more days before posting photos of the rest of the Belich Beach Bungalow – I’ll feel better about sharing photos when we’re a little closer to done with this messy stage of the process! 

Have I mentioned that it’s been a long time since we’ve had to move? I made a big rookie mistake this time – I did not have the foresight to label the box with the all-important coffee pot in a way that would, you know, tip me off that it held the coffee pot. There were plenty of boxes labeled “kitchen misc”. That doesn’t help me much on the other side of the move when I need coffee STAT. However, the physicist and I discovered that if one of us has opened a dozen boxes looking for something, the other of us only has to open one box to find it. It’s a little maddening, but it does result in finding the object. Who can complain? 

The good news is, after a long day of unpacking, this is a quick jaunt away:

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