Where ya been?

Hello, I’m back. So sorry for the extreme radio silence since…um, December. Life got a little crazy and this little bloggie got put on the back burner. But now I find myself wishing to pick back up and keep sharing our big adventure.

So, what’s new with you?

Me? Well I’ve had two rather large life changes since we chatted last. In December I got an awesome job doing public relations for The Salvation Army of Northeast Florida. It’s pretty much exactly the kind of job I most wanted right now, so that’s awesome. I get to do all my favorite things: PR, social media, making a web site, designing stuff, and best of all telling the stories of the incredible people who find help at The Salvation Army. I’m having a ball.

And as if that weren’t enough excitement, Jim and I bought a house…kind of on a whim. Well, not a whim exactly, but we weren’t setting out to buy one at any rate. We had been keeping half an eye out on the properties in our area just to get a sense of what was out there and pricing. Then one day Jim pointed out a cute little place on Zillow, and I chimed in that we ought to look at it – just for fun. Well, the moment we looked at it we were in deep. First of all, it’s darling. It was exactly the size we would have been looking for if, you know, we HAD been looking for a house. Second, the current owners had bought it as a foreclosure and renovated the entire thing from top to bottom, and since they bought it as an investment, it hadn’t been lived in since the renovation. And third, it’s a mile and a half from the beach, and super close to a main access road. Plus, it was right in our conservative price range. Sold.


There she is! Isn’t she cute?

That was in mid-May, and since then we’ve been painting, and painting, and painting. The entire inside had been freshly painted by the renovators, but it was all beige. We are definitely not beige people.



The living room post-painting, pre move-in.


Here I am, sitting in the sink to paint the wall. As one does.

The kitchen all finished.

The kitchen all finished.

And then there was the big move, where an extraordinary number of friends from our church came and moved all our worldly goods in about three hours.


Someone was a LITTLE excited about the big move – or at least about the truck.

And since then we’ve been unpacking, and unpacking, and unpacking. But I’m starting to see the light at the end of that tunnel. The unpacking part of this process is the hardest for me. I really go nuts when my nest is not in order. But since we’ve been shedding stuff

So that’s what’s new with me…

2 thoughts on “Where ya been?

  1. Tammie Junkans says:

    Kelly – we spontaneously bought a townhome four days after Easter (we also didn’t know we were looking). We’re a few weeks behind you – in five weeks we cleaned up after 21 years of raising a family in our current house. Four weeks from now we wake up in a new place!
    You are not beige people – love the new colors. And congrats on the job! It’s so fun to hear that things are going well!!!


    • Isn’t it a crazy whirlwind? SO exciting to hear about your new home too!I can’t imagine moving after 21 years – it was hard enough cleaning up after only 10 years in our Saint Paul house. I miss you Tammie – my sister from another mother. 🙂


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